In Armageddon, a deck of cards that is shuffled by multiple participants and the magician, ends up in the same exact order as a second deck which has been in a sealed envelope from the start of the routine. The cards used are completely regular.
The effect was born out of Simon Aronson's Shuffle-Bored, it was also inspired by Joshua Jay's Trojan Deck, and it borrows a method from John Bannon.
Armageddon will leave your audience completely astonished, and looking for answers, which they will never find.
"Armageddon, is one of the cleverest things I've seen in a while." - Mark Elsdon
"Armageddon is one of the best tricks I’ve read in a while. Such a great combination of various methods and principles (all of which I like), into a single very strong effect. I will 100% be performing it, that’s how much I like it. Seriously, it’s amazing." - The Unnamed Magician
"Extraordinary routine."
"This trick is awesome. I have been doing Shuffle-Bored forever, but this is next level. Great thinking! Just wow!"
"Thanks for another example of your thinking. This one is fun. The effect is mind blowing after all that shuffling."
"Excellent effect, one of your best. Very inventive!"
"This is very clever!!!"
"Armageddon is excellent."
"I love the premise!!"