Demigod is a 4-person mentalism effect with 4 unique phases.
The principle which makes it work is very clever.
It's a total fooler for the audience!
"Demigod is the best trick, IMHO, from ToD so far. The routine can be played at the table and even on stage, as four spectators are actively involved. The spectators' cards are fairly found out via mind reading, liar & truth-teller, micro-expressions, and as a prediction. 5 of 5 stars!"
"This is my kind of magic. A number of strong, entertaining effects achieved by the subtle, well-disguised application of a simple principle."
"This is my favorite effect that you have sent me. A **** with a **** and you have a real miracle. Very nice!
"Demigod is a very good effect with a fooler method."
"It's a cleverly constructed routine with several impossible moments, achieved with a pleasing economy of method."